David Wright, PT integrates his elevated sensitivity with his background in physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, strain-counterstrain, unwinding acupuncture meridians, energy-balancing, meditation, and consciousness-based paradigms of balancing mind, body, and spirit to assist individuals in comprehensive healing. He supports individuals in releasing their resistance to overwhelming or traumatic life-experiences, often resulting in improvement or resolution of many longstanding physical and non-physical symptoms as well as profoundly improved quality of life.
David’s Background
David began developing a passion for manual therapy while still in physical therapy school, and after graduating from the University of Central Florida and becoming licensed to practice in 1996, he advanced his manual skills with multiple manual trainings. With his mind having been steeped in the traditional medical and scientific models, his initial exposure to less traditional techniques like Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy were met with skepticism, thus he continued to advance his training in more traditional manual techniques.
Occasionally he would experiment with craniosacral therapy and myofascial release in his practice as a last-ditch effort when the techniques within his comfortable traditional model had failed to produce the results he was seeking. To his repeated surprise, the results from these less traditional approaches were consistently both profound and perplexing. While peaking his curiosity, this also produced tremendous frustration, as the traditional scientific and medical models could not explain what his patients were describing to him. Patients were describing resolution of symptoms and conditions about which he was completely unaware, abrupt and powerful releases of emotion, surfacing of a deeply traumatic experiences followed by the instantaneous restoration of function, and so on.
These findings could not be explained within his current model, and after much frustration it became obvious to him that he had been blindly defending a model rather than investigating truth. His investigation led him on a path of exploring the craniosacral model, the fascial model, strain-counterstrain, visceral manipulation, the acupuncture system, chakras, auric / energy fields, quantum physics, meditation, consciousness, and spirituality. He experienced healing of his own physical and emotional bodies, deepening awareness, insights, and elevated states of consciousness.
His model has become much more fluid as he continues to explore, investigate, and experience. He entered into solo private practice in 2009 after recognizing that this path was more of a calling and life-path than a career. As it has become an extension and expression of his life, he has no intention of retiring from it.